Gyms and fitness near me

address: ジオタワー西宮北口3F, 3−3 Takamatsucho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: 16-11 Takamatsuchō, Nishinomiya
コナミスポーツクラブ 本店西宮
ranking: 3.9 / count: 185
address: 3-7 Takamatsucho, Nishinomiya
Bodies 阪急西宮ガーデンズスタジオ
ranking: 3.5 / count: 2
address: 阪急西宮ガーデンズ 4F, 14−2 Takamatsucho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.7 / count: 10
address: 西宮北口プライマリーワン, ガーデンテラス1F, 9−33 Ashiharacho, Nishinomiya
貸教室、貸スタジオ エビータの森
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: エビータの森, 1-chōme-8−11 Kōfūen, Nishinomiya
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 3.7 / count: 20
address: 松本第一ビル1F, 1−37, Nishinomiya南昭和町
ピラティススタジオ サニーレモネード
address: 19-6 Kitaguchicho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 1.5 / count: 6
address: フレクサンス北今津2F, 5−10 Tsutoinaricho, Nishinomiya
Nishinomiya City Central Gymnasium
ranking: 3.9 / count: 23
address: 1-16 Kawaharacho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.0 / count: 2
address: 2-24 Hayashidacho, Nishinomiya
address: アミューズメント Ⅰ 番館 1F, 2−15 Matsuyamacho, Nishinomiya
ヨガサロン ハーティーノーツ
ranking: 5.0 / count: 1
address: グリーンヒル門戸102, 17−62 Mondosō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.0 / count: 1
address: 6-10 Murokawacho, Nishinomiya
(一社)オープンゲート スポーツクラブ
address: 5-26 Murokawacho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 3
address: ニューフタバサンモール内, 1−2 Koshimizuchō, Nishinomiya
LAVA 今津店
address: 阪神今津ビル4F, 10−7 Tsutohozucho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.5 / count: 11
address: ドミトリー甲子園 1階, 1 Chome-2−2 Kamikoshien, Nishinomiya
24hフィットネス ジョイフィット西宮市役所前
ranking: 2.8 / count: 15
address: デルファーレ西宮2F, 9−25 Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.5 / count: 22
address: 3-36 Yokomichichō, Nishinomiya
address: 9-7 Sakuradanicho, Nishinomiya
ヨガフィットネス スタジオカレン
ranking: 5.0 / count: 9
address: 今在家町3ー6 西宮ing.BL 6階, 3, Nishinomiya
Vivo Bearsiエビスタ西宮
ranking: 4.8 / count: 4
address: エビスタ西宮3階, 1−6 Tanakachō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.0 / count: 2
address: 3丁目-25-7, 武庫町 Amagasaki
ranking: 5.0 / count: 1
address: 4 Babacho, Nishinomiya
studio awai
address: あんのん舘 2F, 4−9 Tanakacho, Nishinomiya
さとう式リンパケアスタジオ テンダー
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: 14-10 Kōshien 6banchō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 4
address: パセオ甲東 1F, 1-chōme-1−6 Kōtōen, Nishinomiya
タイガースフィットネスクラブ ラフィット 西宮 ジム
ranking: 3.7 / count: 23
address: 1-番27号 Koshien 7bancho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 8
address: 10-9 Shōraisō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.5 / count: 48
address: 1-6 Tateishicho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: コープ甲陽園 1F, 4−5 Shinkōyōchō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.6 / count: 25
address: 1丁目-55-22 武庫町, Amagasaki
address: 福々邸弐番館 402号室, 2丁目-49−16 武庫之荘西, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.0 / count: 2
address: 7 Minamikoshikiiwacho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.3 / count: 3
address: 2丁目-37-1 水堂町, Amagasaki
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 3.9 / count: 15
address: エスパス武庫川 2F, 1丁目-24−1 大島, Amagasaki
井関直美ヨーガスタジオ YOGA Unity (ヨーガユニティ)
address: フェニックス夙川 501号, 1−10 Shishigaguchicho, Nishinomiya
address: 6-7 Minamikoshikiiwacho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.5 / count: 2
address: 3 Chome-1-18 Naruocho, Nishinomiya
address: 兵庫 県 尼崎 市 武庫 之 荘 5 丁目 13−3, 5丁目-13-3 武庫之荘, 尼崎市
AR Studio
address: 6 Chome-20-1 Danjocho, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.3 / count: 27
address: 3丁目-37-1 南武庫之荘, Amagasaki
日本空手道明武会 渡辺道場
address: 6 Chome-20-1 Danjocho, Nishinomiya
日本空手道明武会 渡辺道場
address: 6 Chome-20-1 Danjocho, Nishinomiya
あらき接骨院 Aizac amagasaki
ranking: 5.0 / count: 5
address: アクト武庫之荘 1F, 1-chōme-19−9 Minamimukonosō, Amagasaki
Kuwaeshinkyu Acupuncture
ranking: 3.8 / count: 10
address: 1丁目-17-1 南武庫之荘, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.0 / count: 2
address: 3 Chome-25-10 Minamimukonosō, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.9 / count: 8
address: 13-17 Kikutanichō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 4.5 / count: 2
address: 1 Chome-1-11 Komatsu Minamimachi, Nishinomiya
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 4.1 / count: 11
address: 南武庫之荘 1 8 24 ソラリスビル3F, 8, Amagasaki
ranking: 5.0 / count: 8
address: 8-29 Yubachō, Nishinomiya
ranking: 3.5 / count: 65
address: 1丁目-4-1 南武庫之荘, Amagasaki
address: 8-25 Koyoennishiyamacho, Nishinomiya
Kita Shukugawa Gymnasium
ranking: 4.6 / count: 8
address: 11-33 Hinoikechō, Nishinomiya
イルチブレインヨガ 立花スタジオ
ranking: 4.5 / count: 2
address: 3F 12 市立花町, 12−4−12−28, Amagasaki
address: 3丁目-10 立花町, Amagasaki
address: セレコート南立花3F, 1 Chome-7−1 Minaminanamatsuchō, Amagasaki
ranking: 3.6 / count: 19
address: 1丁目-3-1-5F 七松町, Amagasaki
アスロンジュニア・スポーツクラブ 芦屋ジム
ranking: 4.0 / count: 4
address: 11-17 Kusunokicho, Ashiya
ranking: 5.0 / count: 11
address: 2-24 Mukogawacho, Amagasaki
Prism Hot Yoga Studio
ranking: 4.5 / count: 2
address: 2chome-2-2 Nanamatsucho, 2, 尼崎市
ビックエイトファム トレーニングジム
address: 3 Chome-66-5 Mukogawacho, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.5 / count: 2
address: 1-18 Uchidecho, Ashiya
ranking: 3.0 / count: 1
address: 1丁目-10-1 南七松町, Amagasaki
address: 11, Nishinomiya
address: 29-19 Higashiyamacho, Ashiya
Conditioning LABO animom
ranking: 4.9 / count: 117
address: 3-4-102 Miyazukachō, Ashiya
宝塚市立スポーツセンター 高司グラウンド
ranking: 3.3 / count: 15
address: 4 Chome-6-92番1号 Takatsukasa, Takarazuka
ranking: 4.8 / count: 21
address: ヴィ・ザ・ヴィ芦屋4F, 2−5 Ōharachō, Ashiya
FITBASE24 伊丹昆陽
ranking: 4.2 / count: 6
address: 6 Chome-86-1 Teramoto, Itami
Central Wellness Club Ashiya
ranking: 3.7 / count: 24
address: ラポルテ本館5F, 4−1 Funatocho, Ashiya
address: 9丁目-322 昭和通, Amagasaki
ganesha yoga
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: 4-10 Isechō, Ashiya
イオンスポーツクラブ 伊丹昆陽店
ranking: 3.5 / count: 49
address: 4 Chome-1-1 Ikejiri, Itami
ZONE プライベートジム
ranking: 4.5 / count: 35
address: grotto 502, 6−11 Narihiracho, Ashiya
アクトスWill アマドゥ
ranking: 3.2 / count: 43
address: アマドゥ内, 7丁目-1−1 道意町, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.0 / count: 1
address: イオンモール伊丹昆陽 2F, 4 Chome-1−1 Ikejiri, Itami
ranking: 4.2 / count: 10
address: 大桝町1−25アクセシオ芦屋2F, 1, Ashiya
address: 8丁目-273−1 昭和通, Amagasaki
address: 兵庫 県 尼崎 市 塚口 町 4 丁目 39, 尼崎市
Sama Yoga Shala
address: 2階, 10−21 Kinmitsucho, Ashiya
ranking: 2.3 / count: 3
address: K・T・G塚口ビル 5F, 1−17−1 塚口町, Amagasaki
zen place pilates Tsukaguchi studio
ranking: 5.0 / count: 5
address: ハイネススガヤビル 4階, 1丁目-16−6 塚口町, Amagasaki
address: 205 2 1-25, 塚口町, Amagasaki
address: 5 Chome Okuhata, Itami
ranking: 3.8 / count: 57
address: 1丁目-6-15 Minamitsukaguchicho, Amagasaki
ranking: 3.0 / count: 1
address: 5 Chome Okuhata, Itami
ranking: 5.0 / count: 1
address: 若松ビル101, 2-chōme-19−2 Minamitsukaguchichō, Amagasaki
ギオンスポーツジム 西野
ranking: 3.7 / count: 13
address: 2 Chome-70-1 Nishino, Itami
address: ライゼホビー2-04号, 2-15−26 Minamitsukaguchicho 5-chome, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.3 / count: 3
address: 4 Chome-25 Akuranishi, Takarazuka
address: Japan
ranking: 2.0 / count: 1
address: 4 Chome-25-1 Akuranishi, Takarazuka
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 4.3 / count: 33
address: 1F, 3−18 Meishincho 2-chome, Amagasaki
公益財団法人尼崎健康医療財団 市民健康開発センター ハーティ21
ranking: 3.6 / count: 125
address: 4丁目-4-8 南塚口町, Amagasaki
ranking: 2.0 / count: 1
address: ノア インドア テニス ステージ 宝塚 内, 3 Chome-8−15 Akuranishi, 宝塚市安倉西
Kametani Boxing Gym
ranking: 4.8 / count: 4
address: 3-chōme-15−10 Meishinchō, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.3 / count: 3
address: 3丁目-31-13, 尾浜町 Amagasaki
ranking: 3.7 / count: 35
address: グンゼタウンセンターつかしん内, 4丁目-8−1 塚口本町, Amagasaki
ダイビング ダイブシーン
address: 6 Chome-216-1 Senzo, Itami
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 4.0 / count: 18
address: 安倉南2丁目2−14 2F, 2, Takarazuka
ジョイフィット24 阪神尼崎駅前
ranking: 3.7 / count: 12
address: 2丁目-28 神田中通, Amagasaki
Tri-Axis Konan Yamate
ranking: 3.5 / count: 4
address: 森南町 1 丁目 5−1 セルバ 甲南 山手 6F, 5, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
Anytime Fitness Koube Konan Yamate
ranking: 3.9 / count: 26
address: オルテンシアKobe1階, 1 Chome-8−13 Honjocho, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
ranking: 2.5 / count: 2
address: 1丁目-6-47 西長洲町, Amagasaki
Baycom General Gymnasium
ranking: 3.4 / count: 56
address: 1丁目-4-1 西長洲町, Amagasaki
address: 1-1-1, ビエラ塚口3階, 1, 尼崎市上坂部
Kapilina Hula Studio
address: 1 Chome-6-13-601 Nishidai, Itami
セントラルスポーツ ジムスタ JR塚口
ranking: 4.5 / count: 6
address: ビエラ塚口 3F, 1丁目-1−番1号 坂部, Amagasaki
パーソナルトレーニング Paris
ranking: 4.6 / count: 5
address: Unnamed Road、3丁目, 4 Hiramatsu, Itami
address: 2 Chome-2-3 Nishidai, Itami
ranking: 4.3 / count: 3
address: 伊丹駅前サンハイツ, 203号, 1 Chome-3-5 Nishidai, Itami
ranking: 4.8 / count: 53
address: 伊丹くれたけビル 地下1階, 1-chōme-5−21 Nishidai, Itami
ルネサンス 尼崎
ranking: 3.8 / count: 30
address: 2丁目-7-1 昭和通, Amagasaki
address: 伊丹ショッピング 5F デパート, 1 Chome-1−1 Central, Itami
yoga stadio SETO
address: 5 Chome-4-1 Central, Itami
ranking: 4.0 / count: 2
address: 2 Chome-4-12 Honjocho, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
アスリートビズ Studio1
ranking: 3.7 / count: 6
address: 野村ビル 3階, 4 Chome-1−5 Central, Itami
〜朝ヨガ〜DANCE STUDIO move
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: 光栄堂ビル, 2F, 1-chōme-6−19 Chūō, Itami
ranking: 4.3 / count: 10
address: 3 Chome-4-25 Fukaehonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 5.0 / count: 1
address: 中央6-1-3伊丹ビル3階, 1, Itami
ranking: 5.0 / count: 1
address: 中央6-1-3伊丹ビル3階, 1, Itami
Be-fit light24 伊丹
ranking: 4.5 / count: 31
address: 7丁目-34 大鹿, 伊丹市
和術慧舟會 兵庫支部
ranking: 3.0 / count: 8
address: 伊丹ビル, 3F, 6 Chome-1−3 Central, Itami
アルペンクイックフィットネス オアシスタウン伊丹鴻池
ranking: 5.0 / count: 28
address: オアシスタウン伊丹鴻池 2階, 4-chōme-1−番10号 Kōnoike, Itami
ranking: 3.5 / count: 4
address: 7-2 Minamijonai, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.0 / count: 3
address: 1丁目-3-34 潮江, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.7 / count: 3
address: エピタ尼崎 2F, 1-chōme-3−35 Shioe, Amagasaki
address: 1 Chome-1-1 Konoike, Itami
Central Welness Club Amagasaki
ranking: 3.7 / count: 67
address: 1丁目-2-番3号 潮江, Amagasaki
ranking: 5.0 / count: 4
address: 2-chōme-6-20 Higashidaimotsuchō, Amagasaki
バッティングスタジアム サージ宝塚
ranking: 3.9 / count: 27
address: 2 Chome-19-7 Akurakita, Takarazuka
ranking: 3.2 / count: 5
address: アミング潮江ウエスト2番館, 1-16−1 潮江, Amagasaki
ranking: 3.8 / count: 78
address: 伊丹市東有岡1丁目20
ranking: 3.0 / count: 2
address: 1 Chome-4-1 Aramakiminami, Itami
address: 1 Chome-4-1 Aramakiminami, Itami
YOGA minaksi
address: 1丁目-20-1 潮江, Amagasaki
ranking: 4.8 / count: 75
address: アミング潮江イースト2F, 1丁目-15−3 潮江, Amagasaki
Konami Sports club Motoyama
ranking: 3.8 / count: 57
address: 2 Chome-10-5 Kitaogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 4.0 / count: 4
address: 6-26 東 神戸 センタービル 2 階, 8丁目-6 本山南町, 東灘区 神戸市
スポーツクラブ アクトスWill_Gサンシャインワーフ神戸
address: 1 Chome-2-34 Ogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 2 Chome-14-14 Ogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 2 Chome-14-14 Ogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 7 Chome-135 Ogino, Itami
address: 3 Chome-8-31 Kitaogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ヨコハマ機工 関西
address: 3 Chome-7-20 Kitaogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 5 Chome-2 Aramaki, Itami
ピラティススタジオ YUKIPILATES -Mind Body Exercise-
address: 岡本グローリーハイツ102号, 6 Chome-4−10 Motoyama Kitamachi, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
address: 6 Chome-4-10 Ogi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 4.0 / count: 2
address: 4 Chome-12-22 Aramakiminami, Itami
24hフィットネス ジョイフィット岡本
ranking: 3.3 / count: 6
address: ダイソービル3階, 1 Chome-5−5 Okamoto, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
ホットヨガスタジオLAVA 岡本店
address: デコールビル B1F, 1 Chome-13−7 Okamoto, KobeHigashinada Ward
Riz Fleurs training studio(リズ フルール トレーニング スタジオ)
ranking: 5.0 / count: 5
address: デコールビル 3階, | 東灘区 / 神戸 / 三宮 / ジム / パーソナルトレーニング / ダイエット / 安い / 手ぶら / 体験 / おすすめ |, 1 Chome-13−7 Okamoto, KobeHigashinada Ward
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 3.2 / count: 6
address: 2F, 1 Chome-10-17 Tanakacho, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 3.0 / count: 1
address: 〒658-0081 104, 1丁目-13-22 田中町, 東灘区 神戸市
address: 1 Chome-8-17 Tanakacho, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: クレフ本山 1F, 1 Chome-8−14 Tanakacho, 戸市 Higashinada Ward
Via Body Conditioning
address: ドルフ本山101号, 2 Chome-10番13 Tanakacho, KobeHigashinada Ward
Kobe Municipal Higashinada Gymnastics
ranking: 4.3 / count: 6
address: 6 Chome-5-11 Uozaki Minamimachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
尼崎パーソナルトレーニングラボ Ican-Gym
ranking: 5.0 / count: 3
address: 4-chōme-164-20 Higashisonodachō, Amagasaki
Anytime Fitness
ranking: 3.9 / count: 13
address: 1F, 1 Chome-26−25 Yamamotominami, Takarazuka
Fun's Rock
ranking: 4.1 / count: 15
address: 3 Chome-67-47 Kuchitanihigashi, Takarazuka
Konandaigaku Kodoken Gymnastics
ranking: 1.0 / count: 1
address: 8 Chome-9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 3 Chome-16-30 Kushiro, Kawanishi
クライミングジム ボルタ(Climbinggym boruta)
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: 1 Chome-27-20 Kushiro, Kawanishi
address: 1 Chome-27-20 Kushiro, Kawanishi
address: 3 Chome-19 Yamamotonaka, Takarazuka
ranking: 1.0 / count: 1
address: 5 Chome-3-18 Tanakacho, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 3.7 / count: 17
address: 5 Chome-3-20 Tanakacho, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
アスロン ピラティスヨガスタジオ ワンエイト
address: 1 Chome-1-18 Sumiyoshihonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
パーソナルジムAid 神戸住吉店
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: ランドマーク住吉 2階, 1 Chome-1−18 Sumiyoshihonmachi, KobeHigashinada Ward
ranking: 4.5 / count: 55
address: 1 Chome-1-2 Sumiyoshihonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
body studio BEZELオアシス住吉店(神戸)
ranking: 3.0 / count: 3
address: 1 Chome-1-2 Sumiyoshihonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 4.0 / count: 1
address: 魚崎 西町 3 丁目 5−25, 5, 神戸市東灘区 Higashinada Ward
スコーピオンジム ブラジリアン柔術
ranking: 5.0 / count: 11
address: 豊島南2-8-16-A, 8, Ikeda
body make studio Principal
ranking: 3.7 / count: 3
address: 内藤ビル201, 7, 神戸市東灘区住吉本町1-7-9-2 Higashinada Ward
ranking: 3.8 / count: 5
address: 2 Chome-20-31 Sumiyoshihonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 3.0 / count: 1
address: 4 Chome-21 Koda, Ikeda
address: 4 Chome-23 Koda, Ikeda
address: 2 Chome-7-26 Hotarugaike Nishimachi, Toyonaka
NACL Sports Club
ranking: 3.3 / count: 6
address: 蛍池西町2-7-26 ナックルビル2F, 7, Toyonaka
ranking: 4.9 / count: 28
address: 7 Chome-2-9 Sumiyoshimiyamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 3.6 / count: 10
address: 3 Chome-14-24 Mitejima, Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka
address: 3 Chome-1-17 Hashirii, Toyonaka
address: SaLa di shima内, 7 Chome-3−21 Sumiyoshimiyamachi, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
ranking: 4.3 / count: 3
address: 吉野家2号線御影店, 階, 2 Chome-2−14 Mikage Nakamachi, KobeHigashinada Ward
address: フォアクレージュ御影, 304号室, 2 Chome-16−10 Mikagegunge, Kobe, Higashinada Ward
ranking: 3.7 / count: 3
address: 洸有ビル 2F 2階, 3 Chome-2−19 Nozato, OsakaNishiyodogawa Ward
ranking: 5.0 / count: 2
address: フォンテ上御影, 203, 2 Chome-2−1 Mikage, KobeHigashinada Ward
address: 1 Chome-13-8 Mikage Nakamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
アムール ヘルスケアピラティススタジオ
address: 3階, 1 Chome-17−11 Mikage Nakamachi, KobeHigashinada Ward
鍼灸整体院&パーソナルジム LEAD
ranking: 3.3 / count: 4
address: ヨシダビル 201号, 3 Chome-1−6 Mikage Nakamachi, KobeHigashinada Ward
ranking: 3.7 / count: 6
address: 4 Chome-1-29 Mikage Nakamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 4.0 / count: 6
address: 4 Chome-4-20 Mikagehonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
address: 3 Chome-2-4 Mikage Nakamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe
ranking: 3.8 / count: 5
address: 3 Chome-2-1 Mikage Nakamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe

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Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just embarking on your fitness journey, our platform ensures you find the perfect gym that aligns with your goals and preferences—right in your vicinity. Let us help you discover the best gym near you.

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Popular classes available near me- reach your fitness goals.

cardio classes
Cardio training is a form of exercise aimed at improving cardiac performance. It is recommended to all people, regardless of age or level of physical condition.
ab/core classes
ABS classes are training dedicated to people with different levels of training. This is a great way to get the abdominal muscle desired by the trainers.
The health benefits are visible after the first training. Yoga stretches the muscles, improves joint mobility, calms and calms the body, and these are just some of its advantages.
Pilates is almost for everyone. It is a universal training strengthening all the muscles of the body. It also improving posture, preventing back pain resulting from a sedentary lifestyle.
kickboxing classes
Kickboxing is a combat sport that involves punching boxing fists and kicks. Kick-boxing is often associated with mindless beating and kicking on the face, but it's not true.
Boxing by the uninitiated is perceived as a simple and aggressive form of entertainment. Boxing is a noble sport discipline with a rich history dating back to ancient times.
spin classes
Spinning is riding a stationary bike to the rhythm of music. It is a performance training under the supervision of a qualified trainer.
martial arts
Training martial arts brings the same benefits. You will be able to defend on the street, improve your fitness. You understand that in some situations humility is paying off.
strength training
Circuit training is aimed at people who expect fast effects. This type of exercises is for people determined to achieve the goal. Your goal will be slim, athletic figure in a short time.
stretching / flexibility classes
Stretching (stretching) are breathing, relaxing and stretching exercises with relaxing music. Simple exercises from classic yoga and pilates are used in them.
boot camp
Boot camp fitness is a new type of physical activity, which consists of group exercises. If you like adrenaline and new challenges be sure to find out what they look like.
dance classes
Aerobic classes, simple dance systems, shaping all important muscle groups. Then we go to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Zumba is a dance aerobic workout, combining aerobics with Latin latina dances. Zumba steps and systems are not very complicated and easy to remember.
water fitness
Aqua aerobics is a sport for everyone, regardless of age and condition. Exercises in the water are performed almost effortlessly. They improve the form and sculpt the figure.
sports performance
Personal training for sports performance.
Classes helping to improve baseball skills.
Classes helping to improve volleyball skills.
Classes helping to improve football skills.
Crossfit is a training plan that is an alternative to monotonous exercises at the gym. The exercises performed involve the whole body. We recommend this training if your goal is weight loss.
Karate is 'empty hands' in English translation. The name perfectly reflects the rules prevailing in this martial art - the point is to defeat the opponent.
tai chi
Tai chi is an Old Chinese, reminiscent of slow dance. It combines martial arts and health gymnastics. It can be a way to relax and calm the mind, a kind of meditation.

Gyms and fitness

If you're looking for a gym, fitness club or yoga studio, you've come to the right place.

You can find information about gyms in your area. Browse catalog of gyms and find gyms with classes which are you looking for.

On gym page you can find simple information like address, phone or website. You can find list of available classes. You can check availability of personal training or small group classes. On place page you can also see information about open hours.

You can find gyms near you with amenities, courts, studios and equipments.

Use our map to find gym at your city or district.

Workout center

In Gym Navigator you can find list of exercises with movies for many body parts.

You can browse exercises catalog and find exercises the best of you.

You can also find exercises grouped into workout plans, which you can use to improve you body. Each routine show you exercises one by one and give you possibility to count you progress and count down rest time.