Seated Close Grip Cable Row

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Seated Close Grip Cable Row
Seated Close Grip Cable Row

Seated Close Grip Cable Row: Strengthen Your Back and Arms

If you're looking to strengthen your back and arms, the seated close grip cable row is an excellent exercise to incorporate into your workout routine. This compound exercise targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, giving you a well-rounded upper body workout. In this guide, we'll discuss everything you need to know about the seated close grip cable row, including its benefits, proper form, and variations.

Benefits of Seated Close Grip Cable Row

The seated close grip cable row offers numerous benefits for your upper body strength and posture. Here are some key advantages of adding this exercise to your workout routine:

  1. Back Strength: The primary muscle targeted in the seated close grip cable row is the rhomboid muscles of the upper back. Strengthening these muscles improves your posture, reduces the risk of back pain, and enhances overall back strength.

  2. Arm Strength: This exercise also engages the muscles in your arms, including the biceps and forearms. As a result, it helps to increase overall arm strength and improve your grip strength.

  3. Muscle Balance: Most individuals tend to have stronger chest muscles compared to their back muscles, which can lead to muscle imbalances. The seated close grip cable row helps to correct this imbalance by strengthening the muscles in the upper back, resulting in improved overall muscle balance.

  4. Posture Improvement: Sitting in front of a computer or hunching over a desk can lead to poor posture. By strengthening your upper back muscles with the seated close grip cable row, you can counteract the effects of these activities and improve your posture over time.

  5. Versatility: This exercise can be modified to suit your fitness level and goals. By adjusting the weight, seat position, or handgrip, you can make the exercise easier or more challenging.

Proper Form: Seated Close Grip Cable Row

To maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury, it's essential to utilize correct form when performing the seated close grip cable row. Follow these steps to ensure proper execution of the exercise:

  1. Starting Position: Sit on the seat of the cable row machine with your feet firmly planted on the footrest and your knees slightly bent. Lean forward, grab the close grip handle, and keep your arms extended in front of you.

  2. Execution: As you exhale, pull the handle towards your torso while keeping your elbows close to your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

  3. Key Points: Keep your back straight throughout the movement and avoid rounding your shoulders. Maintain a controlled and smooth motion, focusing on engaging the targeted muscles. Avoid using momentum to complete the exercise and instead, rely on the strength of your back and arms.

Variations of Seated Close Grip Cable Row

To prevent workout plateau and add variety to your routine, you can opt for different variations of the seated close grip cable row. Here are a few options you can consider:

  1. Underhand Grip: Instead of using the close grip handle, use an underhand or supinated grip. This variation targets the biceps and forearms to a greater extent while still engaging the back muscles.

  2. Wide Grip: To shift the focus to a wider range of back muscles, use a wider grip handle. This variation targets the lats and rhomboids, promoting overall back width and definition.

  3. One-Arm Cable Row: As the name suggests, this variation involves performing the exercise using only one arm at a time. It helps to correct any strength imbalances between your left and right sides.

  4. Seated Close Grip Row with Bands: If you don't have access to a cable row machine, you can use resistance bands instead. Attach the band to an anchor point, sit on the floor with your legs extended, and pull the band towards your torso following the same form as the cable row.


The seated close grip cable row is an effective exercise for strengthening your back and arms while improving your posture and muscle balance. By incorporating this exercise into your workout routine, you can expect to see improvements in overall upper body strength and appearance. Remember, always prioritize proper form and consult with a fitness professional before starting any new exercise program. Enjoy the benefits that the seated close grip cable row can provide and start incorporating it into your routine today!

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